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Saturday, March 20, 2010


In The debut album of the duo formed under the name of "Elsiane", vocalist Elsieanne Caplette brings in elements of Lamb as well as a slight hint of Bjork's unique vocal delivery. Her basic vocal timbre is soft, sticky-sweet and even a bit childlike at times.
An engaging album I consider one of my personal favorites alongside the standout works from heavy hitters such as Morcheeba, Portishead and Hooverphonic.
If you enjoy any of the classics in this genre, you owe it to yourself to check this one out.


1 Vaporous
2 Mend(To Fix, To Repair)
3 Across The Stream
4 Morphing
5 Assemblage Point
6 Prosaic
7 Ecclesia
8 Final Escape
9 In A Crisis...
10 Paranoia
11 Hybrid


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